Chemical Supplies Continue To Progress Well
As previously advised we expect key chemical supplies to arrive over the next few days and weeks so most pre-seeding requirements of outstanding chemical orders to be delivered by the end of April.
C’mon Aussie farmers – back the Aussie battlers!
C’mon Aussie farmers – back the Aussie battlers! Australians prefer to buy from Australian owned companies and products that are Australian made. That’s the finding of a survey recently commissioned by 4Farmers, where over 88% of respondents ranked the significance of...
Issues with chemical supply are mostly limited at this point to Glyphosate, Trifluralin and Prosulfocarb. There is no cause for panic at this stage. Timely supply for new orders of these goods is expected by April. Corona Virus is just one factor negatively...
Patience required for some chemical supplies
Get better value on your next chemical order
Barley Grass suppression with Pendimethalin a useful bonus
Get better value on your next chemical order
Get better value on your next chemical order
Are you getting prepared with Glyphosate and other summer sprays, or even thinking about catching some great early deals on pre-emergent chemicals? Then make sure you contact 4Farmers for a quote. People may not realise it doesn't matter where you live in the State,...
Stick to proven quality, not marketing hype
Don't get bamboozled by all the fandangle marketing on basic products like Glyphosate. Yes quality is important and critical to optimal control especially a good formulation with quality surfactants. However don't get over sold on the marketing hype. 4Farmers...
Get the Best Value Seed Dressing
Why are you putting seed dressing on your cereals? If all you need is economical control of smuts then you can't go past 4Farmers Triticonazole. At rates typically used by farmers it is around half the cost of the next lowest cost alternative. As well as being...

Friendly mixing Flutriafol
4FARMERS’ improved Flutriafol 500 formulation has been proven to have good compatibility when mixed with various products in the lab. “We benchmarked 4Farmers Flutriafol against others and found it is at least as good as the next best product for compatibility,” said...

4Farmers 2019 Crop Protection Guide is now available
The 4Farmers 2019 Crop Protection Guide contains one page of all the key information for every chemical 4Farmers supplies in its huge range. Plus it has over 40 pages of appendices with critical spray reference information like chemical storage & transport, tank...